Surgeon Visitation Program (SVP)

Innov8ortho Experience Center

SVP by Innov8ortho

Our SVP programs are reaching more surgeons nationally, to ultimately impact the lives of more patients. Innov8ortho Experience Center features an enhanced cadaveric lab, a procedural showcase floor and a meeting space for surgeons and employees.

An intimate learning environment with hands-on cadaveric training is the foundation of the Innov8ortho SVP learning experience. This enables surgeons, in any stage of practice, to build both clinical and technical skills.

During your visit:

Learn, connect, and share knowledge with the common goal of improving patient care. Spend a full day with surgeons, senior Innov8ortho and manufacturing partners leadership, and R&D personnel.

Train on the latest innovations from our manufacturing partners. Our marketing experts will share product design rationales, techniques, and tips.